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Purchase THC cannabis oil for medical purposes
Many people have heard that a possible alternative to main stream medicine is to buy Rick Simpson cannabis oil when diagnosed with cancer. It is thus a possible means or alternative to having chemo therapy & radiation however not everyone knows who the man Rick Simpson actually is. To understand why this product he has discovered is named after him and why it’s so popular, we take a look at the man himself.
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Who is Rick Simpson?
In 1997, Simpson, who was working as an engineer at a hospital in Canada fell off his ladder and he subsequently fainted. This happened in a room where asbestos and toxic substances were released thus affecting the Canadian man’s nervous system.
Simpson suffered the consequences of this fall for years. Medicines that the doctors prescribed could do little to help him.
After watching a documentary about cannabis, he wanted to try and produce a subsidiary rather than consuming raw cannabis. At the time however, one could not simply do an online search such as where to buy cannabis oil for cancer as it had not even been made publicly known yet.
His doctor refused to co-operate and did not want to know anything regarding his cannabis venture. He then subsequently made and developed his own unique concoction. Although opinions differ about its medicinal effects, it is clear that Simpson wanted to introduce this to the whole world, specifically to those seeking an alternative to main stream medicine and especially ordinary sickly citizens that were looking to buy Rick Simpson cannabis oil.
The active ingredient of his product is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is found almost exclusively in the female plant. The flowers or buds have the greatest concentration hereof. Hardly any intoxicants are obtained from the male plant. The most famous example of this new unique cannabis product is the 80% THC and 50% CBD strain that is most effective against cancer and thanks this Canadian man’s discovery, one can now buy pure THC cannabis oil online .
In countless videos, books and on social networks, the pensioner preaches about the healing effects of high quality cannabis oil obtained from the Indica plant. "As of 2022, there is concrete evidence that many of the active ingredients in the cannabis plant, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) have anti-cancer chemo therapy side effect fighting properties & can improve the outcome of standard therapies.
If you are interested and looking to purchase THC cannabis oil, the product can be briefly described as a dark paste / thick cannabis oil in which a high THC content has been processed. The risks are reduced to a minimum and the benefits are great. For a person who cannot locally obtain but is looking to buy Rick Simpson cannabis oil, his goal has always been to create a non main stream medicine that is completely natural and organic while helping as many people as possible.
Unfortunately in most countries, shops are not allowed to sell any products containing THC. The cultivation of hemp is just as punishable as the possession thereof still in 2022. Fortunately, there are ways to ensure you can receive these products through our platform. We provide four different strains of both Indica and Sativa oil for anyone looking to buy high quality cannabis oil.
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